Sound of China Guzheng Ensemble 洛衫磯唐韻古箏樂團
The Sound of China Guzheng Ensemble was formed by a group of guzheng lovers in 2006. We are a non-profit organization whose goal is to promote guzheng music through public performances. The ensemble meets regularly for practice and rehearsals, and is under the direction of Professor Cynthia Hsiang. Members include professional guzheng players such as Cookie Zhao, gold medalist of the National Youth Fine Arts Competition; Carol Chang, award winner of the CCTV National Folk Musical Instrument Competition; Audry Zeng, gold medalist of China's New Star on Arts Competition; and Luffy Ling, award winner of the National College Arts Competition. Other members of the Ensemble are mostly well reputed guzheng musicians and teachers.
We regularly give performances in the greater Los Angeles area as well as abroad. In addition to our annual concerts, we also perform for charities and special events. In 2012 we hosted the Sound of Asia series to promote and share all types of Asian guzheng music. In 2013 and 2017 we were invited to perform at the Chinese Guzheng Arts Conference in Yangzhou. In 2015 we were interviewed by the China Musical Instrument Magazine. In 2016 we hosted an international guzheng exchange concert, inviting guzheng musicians around the world to perform in Los Angeles; that year our Ensemble was also invited to perform in Hong Kong and Taiwan. In 2017 we produced our first Sound of China Guzheng Ensemble album, "Melodies of Zheng," in the United States. In 2019 we were invited to perform at the Malaysia Guzheng Festival. In 2020, during the most difficult time of the COVID-19 pandemic, we hosted an online live streaming concert to keep the guzheng community together. In 2020 and 2022 we were invited to perform at the Los Angeles Holiday Celebration that was broadcasted on PBS during Christmas. In 2024 we were also invited to perform at the NAMM Show.
The Sound of China Guzheng Ensemble also sponsors two amateur guzheng ensembles. First, the Sprouts Youth Guzheng Ensemble for young musicians age 6 to 17. Many of its members have passed the guzheng grade exam of the Central Music Conservatory, Beijing. The Sprouts Youth Guzheng Ensemble is active in charities and cultural events throughout Los Angeles and Orange County.
Next, the Elegance Guzheng Ensemble for adult musicians. With their passion for spreading the joy of guzheng music, members regularly get together in the evening to practice guzheng pieces after a busy day at work.
洛衫磯唐韻古箏樂團成立15年,為非營利團體、專業古箏樂團,指導老師向新梅教授。樂團成員中有不少古箏專業演奏員,包括曾獲得中國青少年才藝大賽古箏組金獎的趙靈毓、中國藝術國際交流大賽金獎的曾莉、校園器樂大賽優秀獎的凌露等,其他團員也多為洛衫磯地區優秀古箏教師。樂團非以營利為目地,期在國外推廣古箏音樂,讓更多人接觸到古箏悠美的音色。唐韻古箏樂團曾於2013年在好萊塢Barnsdall演奏廳舉辦「高山流水」音樂會大獲洛衫磯媒體好評,每年舉辦的定期公演音樂會有口皆碑。唐韻古箏樂團也受邀在大洛衫磯和橙縣地區進行各類公益音樂會,並固定和南加州的日韓越等箏界朋友進行文化交流演出活動,每年定期受邀至帕薩迪那市立學院演出。2012年舉辦亞洲之音Sound of Asia系列活動向美國主流社會推廣中日韓越等不同國家的古箏音樂,2013年及2017年受邀至中國古箏藝術學術交流會(揚州箏會)演出,2015年接受中國樂器雜誌專訪,2016年舉辦國際古箏樂團交流會,並受邀至香港文化中心及台灣國家演奏廳演出。2017年在美國發行首張古箏重奏專輯『韻』。2019年受邀至馬來西亞古箏藝術節演出。2020年,在新冠疫情最嚴重的時刻,我們舉辦一系列網上直播演出,並受邀參加上PBS公共電視台參加洛衫磯節日慶典的演出。由於節目大受好評,唐韻古箏樂團於2022年再度受邀站上節日慶典的舞台。
Please check out more of our ensemble videos at our youtube page:
If you wish to join us, please email to:
Director 指導老師:Cynthia Hsiang 向新梅
Cynthia is a renowned guzheng performer and composer. She holds a Master’s degree in Music from UCLA and a Bachelor’s degree in Music from National Taiwan Normal University, where she studied guzheng under Professors Liang Zaiping and Lin Lit-ting. Throughout her career, Cynthia has been involved in recording and arranging music for various films, television shows and media productions. She has collaborated with Oscar-winning composers, including Hans Zimmer, James Horner, and Maurice Jarre. Her perfor-mances have been featured in works such as the DreamWorks animated film Kung Fu Panda 3, the online game World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria, Disney’s Mickey Mouse cartoon Year of the Dog, the mobile game Moonlight Blade, Disney World's Epcot, Samsung Galaxy Tabs’ Color Therapy multimedia project, Hong Kong Disneyland’s It’s a Small World, the online game Jade Empire, and Jackie Chan’s film Drunken Master II.
In 1981, while still in high school, Cynthia won her first national music award, the China Times Folk Song Creation Award, with her original song Flying on the Wings of the Wind. Her guzheng solo compositions, such as Ussuri Boat Song and Autumn Song at Midnight, have become beloved pieces among guzheng enthusiasts and are often included in guzheng examination repertoires. Cynthia has also written numerous ensemble pieces for the Sound of China Guzheng Ensemble, thereby expanding the repertoire for guzheng ensembles with her creative and intricate compositions. She has published four volumes of new ensemble works for the guzheng.
Cynthia has performed with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra and the Holly-wood Bowl Orchestra, with her musical career taking her across the United States, Europe, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia. She has served as guzheng soloist and composer with the Taipei Chinese Orchestra and has taught at UCLA’s Department of Ethnomusicology. Her scholarly work includes papers on guzheng composition and performance, as well as studies on Vietnamese and Indonesian music. Currently she is a faculty member in the Music Department at Pasadena City College and leads the Sound of China Guzheng Ensemble. In 2019, she was honored with the Outstanding Teacher Award at the Malaysia International Guzheng Arts Festival. In 2020, a graduate student from National Taiwan University of Arts earned a master’s degree with a thesis entitled A Study of Cynthia Hsiang’s Guzheng Music Works.
向新梅 Cynthia Hsiang, 是一位知名的古箏演奏家和作曲家。擁有UCLA音樂碩士學位及台灣師範大學音樂學士學位。她師從梁在平教授和林棣廷教授學習古箏。多年來,她參與了許多電影、電視和媒體配樂的演奏錄音和編曲工作,並與奧斯卡獲獎作曲家Hans Zimmer、James Horner、Maurice Jarre等合作。她的演奏作品包括夢工廠動畫電影《功夫熊貓3》、線上遊戲《魔獸世界:熊貓人之謎》、迪士尼米老鼠卡通《Year of Dog》、手機遊戲《天涯明月刀》、迪士尼世界未來世界、三星平板Galaxy Tabs Color Therapy多媒體、香港迪士尼樂園的小小世界、線上遊戲《Jade Empire》以及成龍電影《醉拳2》等。
Manager 團長:
Michelle Kuo 郭景怡
Michelle grew up in a Chinese family rich in cultural heritage. Her father was one of the Chinese music pioneers in Taiwan in the 1940s, and her mother was one of the early Chinese Opera singers in the 1960s. Through her parents she inherited the artistry and beauty of Chinese music and in her teen years began learning the guzheng. Her love for this beautiful instrument led her to volunteer for the Sound of China Guzheng Ensemble at its inception in 2006. Michelle has taken the lead as the Master of Ceremonies for the Sound of China Annual Concert and for other events around Southern California. She shares the Ensemble's mission to share the beauty and elegance of guzheng music with all communities, a treasure that will be passed down from generation to generation. Michelle's love for and dedication to this instrument has inspired the Ensemble to reach greater achievements. Her motto is to be “on a mission to retrieve the past and inspire the future.” She has also inspired her children to learn the guzheng and join the Sprouts Youth Guzheng Ensemble. Three years ago, Michelle took on the position of Ensemble manager. In addition to curating the Ensemble's annual performances, she continues to promote guzheng playing with online performances. Skillfully guiding the Ensemble during the recent epidemic, she concluded the year with the Ensemble's spectacular TV performance on PBS 2020 LA Holiday Celebration.
Michelle生長在國樂和京劇的家庭中,父親是台灣早期的國樂人,母親是著名的京劇演員,她的血液裡,交融著中華藝術文化的傳承。 耳濡目染的薰陶下,Michelle 少女時學習古箏。唐韻古箏樂團創團開始,Michelle鼓勵兩個兒女加入唐韻古箏樂團,她不但擔任義工,並全力支援幕後。每年樂團公演時,由Michelle 擔任主持人,並帶領著大小團員,參加南加州各社團的義演活動。 Michelle對國樂一本初心,有承先啟後之使命感。三年前她接任團長的職位後,除了每年的年度演出,在疫情帶領著樂團,持續推廣線上公演,以及 PBS 2020 LA Holiday Celebration 電視演出。 唐韻古箏樂團的表演,是希望有更多人欣賞國樂之美,聆聽古箏之雅,譲絲竹悅耳,代代相傳!
Members 團員:
Cookie Zhao 趙靈毓
Lingyu (Cookie) Zhao began her guzheng career at the age of six. In her youth she won countless awards for performances and competitions, including the gold medal for the guzheng section at the National Youth Fine Arts Competition in Beijing, and the gold medal in the Asian Youth Art Festival in Beijing. After moving to the United States in 2012, she dedicated herself to spreading the art of guzheng by teaching a wide range of students of all ages. Cookie has been invited to perform yearly at the NAMM show. In 2016 and 2019, she traveled in a world tour performance with the Sound of China Guzheng Ensemble, including Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Mainland China. In 2017, Cookie and the Sound of China Guzheng Ensemble released their first album, Melody of Zheng. In 2020, Cookie participated in the PBS show and the LA County Holiday Celebration. For her activities she has received multiple awards and recognitions, including: Certificates of Recognition by Tony Mendoza, former California State Senator, for two consecutive years, and the “Excellent Guzheng Teacher” by the Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, for three consecutive years. Her dedication to guzheng playing continues to this day.
趙靈毓Cookie Zhao,唐韻古箏指定授課老師,唐韻古箏樂團首席樂手,古箏考級(中央音樂學院校外古箏考級)固定合作教師,中國民族器樂學會會員,專業古箏教師資格證。自六歲起學習古箏,師從中國音樂家協會會員,貴州省音樂家協會理事,中國民族管弦樂學會古箏專業委員會理事—蔣曉音,後跟隨中央音樂學院教授,中國當代傑出古箏演奏家袁莎老師繼續深造。趙靈毓曾在15歲時就獲得中國青少年民樂藝術大賽古箏少年組金獎,後獲得亞洲藝術節古箏組比賽金獎,金牛杯全國古箏大賽金獎。自2012年居住美國後,致力於發展古箏文化,其學生從最小4歲半到78歲。至今其學生全數通過每年的古箏考級。趙老師每年受上海敦煌品牌邀請作為NAMM SHOW 表演嘉賓(NAMM show是世界最大的音樂產品展覽會之一);2016更是與唐韻古箏樂團一起受邀到香港和台灣進行世界巡迴演出。2016-2018荣获加州參議員Tony Mendoza授予其感謝信,表彰趙靈毓老師對音樂文化事業的貢獻。 2017年,發表首張古箏重奏專輯《韻》,大獲好評。同年於揚州第八屆中國古箏交流大會上發表論文「論中美古箏教育的發展」反響熱烈。連續四年被中央音樂學院評為優秀古箏教師。
趙老師的學生每年在華樂盃舞蹈器樂大賽,国际文化艺术节,全国敦煌杯古筝大赛,CCTV青春中国比赛古筝组,CCTV全國少兒藝術選拔大賽,美國鋼琴與弦樂大賽 均獲得金银獎無數!
Carol Chang 張荃
Carol began her guzheng studies at age 12 with Master Jing Feng Jihuan and later studied under Sue Chuang and Cynthia Hsiang. In 2005 she completed the National Guzheng Master Class in Beijing. In her continued search for perfection, her guzheng journey took her to China to study under China’s most renowned virtuosos, Yuan Sha and Liu Le. She also took lessons on the gayageum with Master Yun-ja Ji, designated as a Traditional Intangible Culture Asset by the South Korean Minister of Culture. With her love for Asian zithers, in 2005 Carol founded Sound of Asia Musical Instruments and the Sound of China Guzheng Music Promotion Center to promote guzheng music and to serve the guzheng community at large. In 2007 Carol became an award winner of the CCTV National Folk Musical Instrument Competition and, in 2015, of the Korean Traditional Instrument Competition of America. In 2011 her English guzheng textbook was published, The Sound of China Basic Guzheng Tutorial. In 2023 her guzheng solo performance "Spring River Flower Moon Night" received more than 15 million views on Youtube. For many years Carol has focused her expertise with the guzheng on the art of instrument fine tuning. She is an expert in making each individual guzheng sound its absolute best. She has completed the first National Folk Musical Instrument (Guzheng) Construction program under the Music Technology Department of the China Music Conservatory in Beijing. Her essays were collected in the 6th and 7th National Guzheng Arts Conference and in the Qinzheng Forum.
張荃Carol Chang自12歲起跟隨靳酆濟桓老前輩學習古箏,之後師從於莊秀玉老師和向新梅老師,並先後獲袁莎、劉樂老師的指導。2003年起跟隨韓國非物質文化遺產傳人伽倻琴大師池潤子學習伽倻琴。2007年榮獲CCTV第一屆民族樂器大賽古箏銀獎,2015年榮獲全美韓國傳統樂器演奏特別榮譽獎。2005年在洛衫磯成立唐韻古箏音樂推廣中心,並於2011年著作發行第一本個人英文古箏教程〝Sound of China Guzheng Basic Tutorial〞。曾受邀至揚州、上海、吉隆坡、香港等多地進行交流演出。其古箏獨奏曲「平湖秋月」獲選為電影「凱薩萬歲」配樂,並於Youtube上獲得超過5百萬的觀看,而「春江花月夜」更是收到超過1千5百萬的觀看。張荃同時對古箏製作與整音方面有獨到的研究,她以優秀成績完成中國音樂學院音樂科技系及中國民族管弦樂學會樂器改革製作專業合作的全國民族樂器﹝古箏〉製作研修班課程,致力於將每台古箏展現出最佳音色狀態,其著作論文曾發表於第6及7屆古箏藝術交流研討會及琴箏國樂學術論壇,現為知名微信群「古箏製作整音與保養」群主。
Luffy Ling 凌露
Luffy was introduced to guzheng at the age of 12 and began her tutorship of guzheng with Prof. Zhai Yuan from Xi'an Conservatory of Music and Prof. Tang Xin from Wuhan conservatory of Music. In 2010, she graduated and received her Professional Guzheng Teaching and Performing Degree from Guangdong Teachers’ College of Language and Art with an outstanding score. In January 2010, she started her music career by teaching guzheng in Guangdong, China. In 2014, she immigrated to the United States and joined the Sound of China Guzheng Ensemble. With her great teaching experience and talented skills in guzheng music, she receives numerous of invitations from public and private parties to perform guzheng throughout the year. In September 2016, she received the Certificate of Recognition from California Senator, Tony Mendoza, for her contributions to the traditional Asian music culture in Southern California. In 2017, she was invited by Dunhuang, Shanghai (world’s largest Chinese musical instrument manufacturer) to be the only guest performer at the NAMM SHOW (one of the world's largest musical instruments exhibition). In July 2017, she was the editor as well as one of the players for the album “Melodies and Zheng”, recorded and released by Sound of China Guzheng Ensemble.
畢業於廣東師範藝術學院古箏音樂表演專業.師從古箏演奏碩士唐昕老師、西安音樂學院翟源教授. 在校期間曾獲《廣東校園器樂大賽》古箏組銀獎,《文明與藝術全國青少年優秀作品電視展廣東賽區》獨奏金獎,重奏銀獎。 《新加坡國際青少年音樂舞蹈藝術大賽中國廣東賽區》古箏獨奏銀獎,重奏金獎。 《“青春中國”第五屆全國校園藝術節暨全國人才教育成果展示盛會廣東賽區》古箏獨奏一等獎、重奏特等獎。多次被邀參加廣東國際旅遊展覽會,中國進出口商品交易會—廣州交易會演出。憑藉豐富的演出及比賽經驗畢業以後從事古箏教學工作,所帶領的學生也在各大比賽中獲得優異成績從而獲得優秀指導老師稱號。 2014年移居美國加入唐韻古箏樂團,每年受邀演出十餘場多次被邀帕薩迪那市學院中樂團,聖蓋博市中國新年演出等。 2016年加州參議員Tony Mendoza授予其感謝信,表彰凌露老師對音樂文化事業的貢獻。 2017受邀上海敦煌品牌邀請作為NAMM SHOW 表演嘉賓(NAMM show是世界最大的音樂產品展覽會之一),即興首創古箏四手聯彈備受好評。同年參與錄製首張古箏重奏專輯《韻》。
Audrey Zeng 曾莉
Born in Guangxi, China, Audrey Zeng is an award winning performer of the Guzheng (Chinese zither) and the Duxianqin (a single-string zither). She began her music career as a music teacher in 1998 and became a professional Guzheng and Duxianqin in soloist in 2000. She received awards in CCTV’s “6+1”program competition (one of the most popular Chinese TV channels), in China’s New Star on Arts Competition, and in the World Chinese Arts Competition. She also performed in the documentary soundtrack of “Mulberry Child,” directed and produced by Susan Morgan Cooper, which was awarded the Best Documentary prize at the Bahamas International Film Festival.
After moving to the United States in 2008 to pursue her passion for music, she founded Audrey’s Guzheng Studio in Pasadena, California, where she offers classes in guzheng and duxian qin. With her talented performance skills and strong musical background, Audrey receives numerous invitations to perform at various public events. These have included the Getty Center’s Art Exhibition, the Pasadena City College Fall and Spring Music Concerts, and the Lunar New Year celebration organized by the Arcadia City Library.
Audrey is author of “An Introductory Guzheng Tutorial for Children” and “A Single string (Danbau) Tutorial for Young Players.” Both books are widely used in elementary schools and music learning centers. While teaching and performing in the Los Angeles area, she is also a talented painter who enjoys teaching painting as much as music.
曾莉Audrey Zeng,古箏專業考級指導教師、中國民族管弦樂學會會員、中國古琴學會會員、中國廣西兒童音樂學會會員,"紫玄閣箏室"創辦人。師從古箏演奏家樊上上老師,先後得到著名古箏演奏家、教育家周望老師和袁莎老師以及王中山老師的指導。 2003年起跟隨著名古琴演奏家龔一老師學習古琴,先後還獲得中央音樂學院古琴演奏家趙家珍老師和中國古琴學會秘書長、古琴家楊青老師的指導。 2006年隨獨弦琴演奏家、教育家李平老師學習獨弦琴。從事古箏教學近二十年,學生含蓋幼兒到中老年人各年齡段。編寫了《幼兒古箏啟蒙教程》和《少兒獨弦琴教程》。先後參加"中國藝術國際交流大賽"、"世界華人藝術大賽"等比賽獲金獎、銀獎。 2008年獲得CCTV"非常6+1"節目總冠軍。 《南國今報》分別在2005年和2008年對其進行了個人專訪報導;廣西柳州電視台也對Audrey的古箏·獨弦琴藝術進行了專題採訪報導。 2011年參與了美國電影《桑孩兒》的音樂錄製和首映式。 2015年獲美國"華樂杯"器樂大賽金獎。常年受邀參加各類音樂演出活動,移居美國近十年,一直致力於推廣古箏、古琴等中國傳統文化。
Angie Li 李昂迪
Angie has learned Guzheng since she was very young, whose teacher is professor Wang from Shanghai Conservatory of Music. She got her first Guzheng Performance Gold Award in a Shanghai district Youth Talent Contest which was hosted by Shanghai Television. She also got the First Prize in The 2004 Complete for Oriental Youth Art Stars. Angie, as Guzheng performance major, graduated from QiQiHaEr University in Music performance Bachelor degree . When she was in university , she built a Guzheng group named it as Spring Fantasy. The Spring Fantasy played a song “Step into Tomorrow’s Gate”which was arranged by Angie in Hopefully Cup contest and got the best ensemble award. She used to play Guzheng for university orchestra that went to U.S.A to make a tour performance, which coached by Professor Zhongshan Wang who is the most famous Guzheng performance all over the world. After graduated Angie got the International Preschool Teacher Qualification with high rate in Shanghai. Because of that, she was hired as a Guzheng teacher by XBH private preschool. Every year she need to plan the semi-semester reporting performance and the New Year’s Eve reporting performance. Also she was in charge of coaching students to pass the Guzheng grade which is authorized by Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Her students used to earn the first prize in Singapore Chinese Artists Festival and the First prize in complete for Oriental Youth Art Stars. Owing to these excellent achievements, She was awarded by excellent Guzheng Coacher and excellent culture Communicator in 2012 and 2013. After she came to U.S.A she joined the Sound of China Guzheng Ensemble to keep contributing everything she knew to everyone who want to know more about Guzheng or Chinese culture.
自幼在上海跟隨上海音樂學院王蔚教授學習,2004年東方青少年藝術明星大賽上海賽區一等獎,曾經在少年時期獲得上海電視台舉辦的青少年才藝大賽上海賽區古箏表演金獎。 2007-2011年考入齊齊哈爾大學音樂表演古箏專業,在校期間曾和齊齊哈爾大學民樂團訪美演出,受到王中山老師指導。曾在校組建古箏箏團,組織編排的《步向明日之門》獲得“希望杯”古箏重奏金獎,隨後大學獲得音樂表演學士學位。畢業後在上海獲得國際幼師證,在徐悲鴻幼兒園擔任古箏老師,策劃元旦,新年等大型活動,指導學生通過上海音樂學院考級,學生曾獲得新加坡華人藝術節(上海賽區)一等獎2012年榮獲優秀指導獎, 同年榮獲東方青少年藝術明星大賽上海賽區古箏項目優秀指導獎; 先後獲得地方古箏協會頒發的古箏教育優秀教師獎。 2013年獲得新加坡華人藝術節優秀指導獎 2018年加入唐韻古箏樂團。
Kathy Lei 雷星
Kathy started learning piano at the age of four and was trained extensively in both classical and contemporary music. She attended the Tchaikovsky School of Music, studying with Dr. Tigran Tahmizyan and concert pianist Lusine Ketendjian. During a visit to China in 2007 she became fascinated by the art of the guzheng; she has studied with various award-winning guzheng masters ever since. Kathy has played both piano and guzheng as solo artist or as part of an ensemble in numerous national and international concerts. In 2015 she was invited to teach young students at the Guo Ya School of Music. Her invitation to join the Sound of China Guzheng Ensemble came in 2017. Kathy is enthusi-astic about promoting Chinese cultural traditions through music and interpreting the guzheng in different novel genres. Her more recent performances include: October 2015, solo concert "Speech of Zheng" in Hunan, China; July 2017, the Guzheng Ensemble album "Melodies of Zheng"; September 2017, concert "Emperor Goes Hollywood" at the Bonita Center for the Arts in San Dimas California; May 2018, Pasadena City College Spring Concert; September 2018, the concert "Around the World with Guzheng Music" at the Bonita Center for the Arts; September 2019, concert "Dances with Guzheng" at the Bonita Center for the Arts; November 2020, performance at the 61st Annual LA County Holiday Celebration, an Emmy Award-winning holiday show; September 2021, outdoor concert "Under the Moon" at Barnes Park Amphitheater in Monterey Park, California; September 2022, concert “Gliss Through the Seasons” at the Bonita Center for the Arts; December 2022, performance at the 63rd annual LA County Holiday Celebration, live on PBS; September 2023, concert "Gliss Through Times" at the Bonita Center for the Arts.
Kathy 四歲起學習古典鋼琴,曾師從俄羅斯鋼琴學派教授Dr. Tigran Tahmizyan和俄裔鋼琴家 Lusine Ketendjian。2007年與古箏結緣從而開啓了古箏學習專業之路,啓蒙於音樂家協會理事, 焦派傳人劉韻雯老師 。她一直沒有間斷對鋼琴和古箏專業的學習與熱愛並致力於推廣中國傳統文化,常年受邀參加演出活動和考核評委工作。2015 年受邀於國雅音乐學校中英文雙語古箏教學。2017 年收到洛杉磯唐韻古箏樂團的邀請並成為其成員。她最近的演出經歷主要有:2015年10月在中國舉辦了個人-《箏語》室內古箏獨奏音樂會; 2017年7月發表首張古箏重奏專輯《韻》;2017年9月聖迪馬斯音樂廳年度公演《霸王遇到好萊塢》;2018年5月帕薩迪納大學春季音樂會; 2018年9月聖迪馬斯音樂廳年度公演《箏游四海》;2019年9月聖迪馬斯音樂廳年度公演《群箏樂舞》;2020 年11月參與美國公共廣播電視台PBS聖誕節慶祝節目的錄制,節目於美西時間平安夜在美國公共廣播電視台播出;2021年9月 蒙特利公園室外音樂會 《皓月箏歌》; 2022年9月聖迪馬斯音樂廳年度公演《箏好時節 》;2022年參與美國公共廣播電視台PBS聖誕節慶祝節目的錄制与現場直播; 2023年9月聖迪馬斯音樂廳年度公演《时光旋转》。
Serena San 單文琪
Serena graduated from University of Kansas with bachelor and master’s degrees, majoring in Economics. After moving to Los Angeles, she worked in several industries, including the freight forwarding industry, business trading, and marketing industries. Having always been interested in learning music, she has played the piano since childhood and in recent years has also been learning the ukulele and guitar. After several years of working in industries, Serena interrupted her career path to become a full-time mother with three children. In 2018 she took her children to see a performance of the Sound of China Guzheng Ensemble and was deeply touched by the guzheng. The very next year she began learning the instrument and was able to join the Ensemble in 2021. She has been performing at the annual concert and TV show with the Ensemble ever since.
單文琪畢業於University of Kansas主修經濟學,於該學校取得學士及碩士學位,之後移居加州洛杉磯從事過多項行業包括物流業以及大型連鎖店供應商貿易銷售等。幼年時期有學習鋼琴,近幾年也有學習尤克里里和吉他。由於育有三名子女,終決定辭去工作專心照顧家庭,偶然的一次機緣,帶著孩子去看唐韻古箏表演為之深深震撼,於2019年正式踏上習箏之路並於2021年加入唐韻古箏樂團。也跟隨樂團參與每年年度公演或是電視節目演出。
Yijia Bao鮑一嘉
Bao Yijia began learning the guzheng at the age of four. After moving to the United States at age six, she continued to learn the guzheng under Ensemble teacher Cookie Zhao. In October 2020, Bao Yijia passed the performance level of the National Guzheng Examination. Her achieve-ments over the years include:
1. First place at the International Cultural Angel Art Youth Competition in 2018
2. Gold medal at the international group at the Beijing Dunhuang Cup National Musical Instrument in 2019
3. Silver medal at the American Huayue Cup International Competition in 2019
4. First place for folk music at the 5th American Starlight Youth Talent Competition in 2022
5. Second place at the American International Music Festival in 2023
6. First place at the Beijing Youth China International Competition in 2023
鮑一嘉今年13歲,自2015年四歲半開始學古箏,六歲到美國後師從唐韻古箏趙老師繼續學習。並於2020年十月考完古箏演奏級。這些年取得得成績為: 1、2018年在美國獲得國際文化天使藝術青少年比賽一等獎
Rita (Dan) Wu 吳睿桐
Rita, now 15, began learning guzheng from Ensemble teacher Cookie Zhao at the age of seven. She has won many honors, such as the Gold Honor Award in the Junior Category at the 5th Malaysia International Zheng Art Festival in 2019; first Place in Folk Music at the 4th American Starlight Youth Talent Competition in 2021; and also in 2021 passed the Performance Grade of Guzheng Examination of the Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, with "Excellent". In addition to playing the guzheng, Rita also plays the piano and has passed the Music Teacher's Association of California Piano Level 8 Examination.
Rita Wu ,今年15 岁,七岁开始跟随赵老师学习古筝。赠荣获: 2019年 第五届马来西亚国际古筝艺术节少儿组金奖。2021 年 第四届 美国星光青少年才艺大赛民乐一等奖。2021 年“演奏级”中央音乐学院古筝专业等级考试“优秀”成绩 。在练习古筝之余,她还通过了加州音乐教师协会钢琴八级的考试 。
Amanda Men 門佳汭
Amanda started learning guzheng at the age of eight after returning to the United States. She is currently a student at Los Osos High School. She was awarded a gold medal at the 2019 Malaysia Guzheng Festival and in 2022 also passed the ninth level. She is studying under Ensemble teacher Cookie Zhao and has been playing with the Sprouts Youth Ensemble ever since. In 2024 she joined the Sound of China Guzheng Ensemble and has participated in many new guzheng activities. She enjoys playing the guzheng and hopes for more opportunities in the future.
Amanda Men 在她8岁回到美国时就开始学习古筝。她现在是Los Osos High School 的学生。她一直跟随赵灵毓(Cookie Zhao)老师学习古筝,并自那时起一直与Sprouts青年乐团合作演奏。并在2019年马来西亚古筝节上获得了金奖。Amanda Men 在2022年通过了古筝九级的考试。在2024年,她加入了Sound Of China Guzheng Ensemble,开始参与了许多新的古筝活动。她喜欢弹奏古筝,并希望在未来有更多的机会去弹奏。
Diana Sowers 賴秀美
Hsiu Mei (Diana) began playing the zither at age 15 as a student of Wei De Dong and Zheng De Yuan in Taipei. While continuing her studies, she worked as a performer and music coordinator at the Lai Lai Sheraton Hotel and Ritz Carlton in Taipei. Diana recorded four albums of classical and modern guzheng music while under contract with Li Ge Chang Pian Recording Company. From 1985 to 1987, Diana travelled extensively internationally while continuing her studies and performances. While in China, she studied with Ye Sheng Long and Zhao Yu Zhai in Shenyung. Her travels also brought her to Los Angeles to the University of Southern California, and in 1988, she moved to the US. While in America, she continued her studies in the ethnomusicology program at UCLA. For the past several years, she has performed with International Asia, Inc. participating in numerous performances in the Los Angeles area, including several events at the Hollywood Bowl as well as with the Los Angeles Philharmonic. She has also toured extensively throughout the United States, including performances with the Buffalo, Cincinnati, San Diego, San Francisco and Atlanta symphonies as well as the Interlochen Music summer program in Michigan. Most recently, Diana performed as a featured guest at the “A Stroll in the Garden, a scene from Peony Pavilion” program at the Huntington Library in Pasadena, CA.
Melanie Hsu 許韻明
Melanie has been playing guzheng for over 10 years, she passed her Grade Exam of Level 8. She has been learning from various teachers, including Cynthia Hsiang, Carol Chang and Lian Wang, and she is still taking lessons to improve herself. She embraces her Chinese culture and enjoys practicing guzheng, Chinese Dance and Tai Chi. She feels blessed to have found the art of guzheng since it purifies her mind and inspires her spiritually.
Judy Ying 應裘迪
Judy always had great interested in music. Judy's formal musical education began in the third grade when she learned the piano and harmonica. In the fifth and sixth grade, Judy took charge and led the school band as conductor. While attending college in the United States, Judy discovered a whole musical world simply by tapping into her Chinese heritage. She started to learn Chinese dances and Chinese instruments such as Pi-Pa, Yangqin, and Guzheng from Master Zhang Yen and Master Huang Hui Zhen. Judy is now freely pursuing her childhood dream!
Wendy Zhou 周翠文
Wendy is raising second-year student in the University of California, Irvine. She has been started to play Guzheng since 14 under the guidance of Cookie Zhao and passed the concerto level of the CCOM exam with Honor. In 2018, she earned a Gold prize on International Cultural Angel Arts Festival and El Monte International Youth Music Festival. While balancing out school work, she also attends various performances. She performs on Sound of China Guzheng Music Ensemble Annual Concert annually. During Spring and Fall seasons, she performs with Sound of China Guzheng Ensemble on Pasadena City College concert. In addition, She and Sprout Youth Guzheng Ensemble are invited by Win Win International Youth Culture and Arts Development Association to perform on “My Shining Star” 2018 Los Angeles International Youth Spring Festival Gala. In 2019, she was awarded the golden prize in the Malaysia International Guzheng Art Festival Competition. In 2020, she performed at the 61st Annual LA County Holiday Celebration by The Music Center, PBS SoCal and CDK productions.
周翠文Wendy Zhou, 就讀於University of California, Irvine二年級。在趙靈毓老師的帶領下,从十四岁开始习筝。以優異的成績通過了中央音樂學院海外演奏级考試。曾參加2018 國際文化天使藝術節器樂比賽並獲得了民樂組的金獎。在平衡緊張的學業的同時,她還參加於各種演出。自從開始學習古箏以來, 在每年的9月份都參加唐韻古箏樂團的年度演出。於每年春季和秋季,跟隨唐韻古箏樂團參加帕薩迪娜大學音樂會。在每年的農曆新年,她所參加的萌芽古箏樂團都受“群星之光”國際少兒春晚的邀請參加春節聯歡晚會。曾在2019在马来西亚古筝艺术节比赛中获得金奖。2020 年參與美國公共廣播電視台聖誕節慶祝節目的錄制。
Florence Ho 何維卿
Florence has loved Chinese music. She has studied pipa since age of 10 and passed her Grade Exam of Level 8. Her passionate to Chinese musical instrument has never stopped her from learning. In 2012, she started studying guzheng and passed Level 5 with Honors from CCOM Chinese Instrument Grade Exam in less than a year.
Her passion on Guzheng has brought her to the next level. She has studied under Cynthia Hsiang, and passed Grade Exam of Level 8 with Honors the following year. Also, she is the only student who obtained the Honors. Her rapid growth in guzheng has amazed the ensemble.